
What Is A Contractor Accountant?

Contractor accountants are beginning to appear in search engine rankings more and more frequently. In fact, contractor accounting seems to be such a lucrative, niche area of accountancy, that some professional firms have even established themselves on the back of specialising in this competitive field to the exclusion of everything else.
So what is a contractor accountant, does such an accountant exist, are all accountants able to assist contractors with their tax affairs by default. In my usual inimitable style, ultimately, to make a shed load of money out of the niche, I would suggest not!
You see, the problem isn't whether or not a qualified accountant can prepare a set of accounts for a contractor, or whether he can offer IR35 tax advice. Similarly, it's not a question of whether he calls himself a contractor accountant or not. As suggested above, all accountants should find this sort of work to be of a routine nature.
The answer to my puzzle lies in the field of search engine optimisation, for it is the search engine gurus that have the power to decide the fate of Mr Smith Accountants based in nowhereland. Only by increasing his visibility on the internet can Mr Smith hope to compete with the well established firms. True, he can place an advert in the local press and find himself a few clients, or he can have breakfast every week with double glazing salesmen and website designers to make a few more contacts and lifelong friends. But only by creating the image that he is here to serve contractors, across the whole of the UK, can he hope to succeed.
He needs to find himself a set of goodies to establish relationships with the contractors online to get the ball rolling. A tax calculator is usually a good starting point! He needs to gain the trust of individual by interacting on forums and posting on blogs to get his name around. He could even offer some sort of service whereby he offers to check contracts for IR35 compliance.
With the wind behind him and a good SEO consultant, he may even reach the dizzy heights of Google page 1, bringing in query after query, day after day. It is this point that we can finally define the term "contractor accountant". Such a being, yes, is an accountant. But he or she is a specialist, not in terms of accountancy advice, but in terms of web savvy. He or she will be monitoring web rankings on a daily basis. After all, being position at the top of page 1 will result in 50% of people clicking through to his site, bottom of page 1 will result in only 1% success rate. Only by conquering the web, on a national basis, can he hope to keep his specialism alive.

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Self Employed Tax Calculator said...

Informative post regarding Contractor Accountant. Many companies can offer full statutory employment rights to client contractors, including maternity/paternity and sick pay. In simple words contractor accountant means a person who is a specialist, not in terms of accountancy advice, but in terms of web savvy too.

Joel James said...

It's true and I know this from personal experience that having a specialist contractor accountant is paramount.

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