
Nutritional Facts And Types Of Mayonnaise

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Mayonnaise is a spread made from egg, vinegar, oil and spices. It is generally used in dressings, salads, sauces and dips or spread on sandwiches. While mayo is just used to improve the flavor, it can supply nutrition, if taken moderately.

Types of mayo

Various kinds of mayo found at the local supermarket include regular, fat-free, light and reduced-fat. Each type holds similar basic ingredients, but the low-calorie varieties swap sugar, egg whites, food starches and water for a little or the entire oil that is used typically in preparing mayo.

The light mayo versions have few calories and fat compared to the traditional mayo, but all the varieties are capable of adding calories. If it is made at home then you will most probably use the conventional ingredients.

Calories and fats

Generally, the regular mayonnaise, if consumed 1 table spoon holds 57 calories, light mayo captures 49 calories, and fat-free mayo has 13 calories. The trace of fats found in 1 tablespoon of fat-free mayo has 0.43 g, full-fat mayo holds 4.91 g and light-mayo holds 4.96 g.

Both the full-fat and light mayo versions include unsaturated fat, which is less than 1 g/tbsp. Light-mayo holds high percentage of fat because calories are low, but fat in both light and regular mayo are identical.

Carbohydrates, Sodium and Cholesterol

There are no carbohydrates in mayo unless sugar is added to it. Mayo holds cholesterol up to 5 mg/tbsp that is equal to 2 % of your everyday intake that is approved by the doctors. Sodium contributes 60-90 mg that is 3 %-4 % of the daily recommended proportion.


Mayonnaise supplies a significant amount of vitamins in just two tablespoon including A, E, K and B12 with panthothenic acid.

Vitamin A: Mayo consists of 6 micrograms in every 2 tablespoon that accounts to 1 % of required daily consumption. Vitamin A is necessary for the health of eyes, hair, nails and skin as well as to avoid infection.

Vitamin E: It is an antioxidant and is helpful in the making of blood cells, muscles as well as tissues. Vitamin E supplies 0.61 mg per 2 tablespoon that is equal to 4 %, which is an average adult daily intake.

Vitamin K: Two tablespoon of mayo is enriched with 12.4 micrograms that amounts to 12 % of regular needed ingestion. Vitamin K is necessary for clotting of blood appropriately. It also helps in strengthening the bones, adds to bone mineral density and reduces the risk of falling in people suffering from osteoporosis. Vitamin K is also given to newborn babies to put off brain hemorrhage after birth.

Vitamin B12: Around 0.06 micrograms per two tablespoon of mayonnaise supplies 2 % of required intake of vitamin B12. It is vital for proper metabolism process inside the body and in producing red blood cells as well as maintaining the nervous system.

Pantothenic Acid: one ounce or 2 tablespoon of mayonnaise caters 0.07 mg of panthothenic acid that equals to 1 % of the needed regular intake. It is essential for energy production as well as for producing specific hormones.

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