A very effective form of internet marketing includes the use of Social Bookmarking. This refers to posting links to your blog articles at a variety of sites that store, organise, and manage bookmarks.
Not only does social bookmarking drive traffic to your site, it creates a source of passive income through the increased number of qualified visitors who find your site due to SEO and viral marketing results.
SEO Benefits Of Social Bookmarking
Social bookmarking is a great SEO tool for a number of reasons. The first is that it creates additional inbound links to your content, which is always a good way to gain the attention of search engine bots and increase your page ranking.
Secondly, social bookmarking and news aggregation sites are very popular, especially with the younger generation of internet-philes who are more comfortable receiving news from an online site than by watching television or reading the newspaper. Subscribing to an RSS feed for an aggregation site is a virtually effortless way to read about the latest topics of interest.
Thirdly, social bookmarking works to market your online business in a viral manner. That is, these sites encourage the sharing of content. Readers who enjoy your content will rate it highly and add it to their list of favourite bookmarks where others can view it and even comment.
Think of YouTube and how highly effective it is at spreading video clips. The same concept works with Social Bookmarking your blog posts and articles. The results could be financially rewarding and help you brand yourself as an expert in your niche.
Social Bookmarking Tips
As long as your content provides good, topical information, you can easily hide a marketing message inside a post that functions as a news story. For instance, if your business focuses on selling skateboard gear, publish an article about the results of a recent competition. Include mention of specific gear and a link to your website’s shopping page. Click-throughs will definitely come from interested, potential clients.
When you post the article to a social bookmarking site, make sure the short description you provide entices potential customers, not with a blatant sales pitch but by summarising the information that people interested in your type of products want to read.
Take care in adding tags of your most relevant keywords in order to make the link easy to find within the site. Some sites limit the number of tags you can add while others provide nearly limitless space to include every relevant keyword or phrase.
Make your content easy to share. All of the major blogging platforms such as WordPress or Blogger include plug-ins to add a little ‘share’ graphic to your posts. This allows readers to easily and quickly make one click and add a bookmark of your article URL at any site where they have an account.
Be sure to include a plug-in that allows readers to add your site to an RSS feed as well. These feed aggregators are a popular way for internet users to combine all the blogs they follow into one easy-to-find place that shows the most current updates to all their favourites.
Social Bookmarking helps to increase sales because it increases the number of visitors to your site and provides another way for potential customers to find your content.
Article Source : http://seanseo.com/social-media/social-bookmarking/